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Sharon Lawton

Mindfulness and Meditation

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

I conducted an advanced search on 'Science Direct' with studies assessing the impact of mindfulness. Not surprisingly for me and probably not for you either, nurses post trauma, school students with learning difficulties, CEO leadership, athletic performance and anxiety disorders, all benefit from mindful activities.

Mindful activities such as sitting down to eat meals instead of eating on the go, focussing on deep breathing, doing an emotional check-in and body scan sound very simple on paper. But how many of us take time every single day to check in? and regularly?

Due to the current Covid-19 lockdown and isolation situation, we have been forced to slow down and change our regular schedule. The forced change has obviously had a different impact on us all, some enjoying the home time whilst others resisting and feeling uprising internal anxiety.

Did you know that our natural disposition is a predictor of how mindful we are? One study reported in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology in December 2019, looked at whether mindfulness is of benefit during stressful periods. Interestingly it found that in order for mindfulness to be effective on cortisol (stress hormone) production, heart rate and blood pressure and emotional stress, it needs to be our default disposition.

Once stress has arisen, mindfulness may not buffer the stress.

What does this mean?

We need to participate in mindful activities regularly enough so when we are stressed, our body has ingrained skills that can be utilised. Overuse of technology, constant overstimulation of information and brain fatigue is not helping our body and mind's mindful setting.

I am delighted to share my new course with you on the path of enhancing inner mindfulness:

Meditation and Mindful Course

On Friday 21st July, I launch my new 2 Week Course Meditation and Mindfulness.

In this course you will:

  • Learn techniques how to be more mindful in everyday life

  • Develop tools to integrate meditation into daily life

  • Practice 4 meditation techniques

  • Learn how to enhance your breath

  • Discover the science underpinning meditation techniques

  • And much more!

My intention is for you to:

  • Learn skills to diffuse strong emotions

  • Allow mindfulness to become the default setting

  • Use meditation to quieten the mind

  • Understand the difference between stress and anxiety and why that matters

The details:

Over two weeks, there will be 8 sessions. The sessions vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Investment: $60


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